7w1d question


So I had my first ultrasound today, this is my 7th baby ... I have 4 girls 16,12,10 and 13months. And 2 surrogates for a friend . I had my ovary and tube removed on the left side due to a large teratoma (11cmx8cm) in sept, on low dose birth control and breastfeeding. My husband is a type One diabetic so relations can be few and far between. We literally had sex once in feb and BAM! Very unplanned but still

Loved baby. We would love a little blue haha ... but trying to make sense of this pic , heart rate was 126bpm , what side is babe on? Part of me thinks this is the right side because i think I see my ovary and corpus cyst up near the top but I have noIdea ... anyone? It is a transvaginal