Should I test

Hey! So my period is 17 days late. Me and my boyfriend alway have unprotected sex. I had a very stressful last month ( car accident, laid off from work due to covid) here’s how I’m feeling:

The past two mornings I have woken up feeling anxious and super nauseous

The last 4 days I have been soooo tired and feel like I get no sleep what so ever

I’ve had a lot of clear watery/ creamy discharge

I’m super bloated

I have not changed my eating but I’ve gained some weight (5 pounds)

My back is hurting when I go for walks

My belly feels weird and hurts to lay on it

I’ve been having some mild cramping on my left side almost by my hip

My boobs I’ve been getting shooting pain every once and a while but besides that only hurt when I lay on them

I’ve been super super hungry

I’ve been very very moody and angry then totally fine


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