

I know I haven’t been trying as long as the majority of people in this group, but this is my 4th pregnancy in 7 months. The first three were all chemical/miscarriages. The last was in December. It was the strongest I had had but I unfortunately started miscarrying Dec. 22...3 days before Christmas.

Fast forward through 3 months of tests and treatments and finally finding out I have hypothyroidism after it’s been tested so many times I’ve lost count since I was a teenager. Every other test came back normal so they suspect it’s the cause. I’ve been on meds for 3 weeks and we weren’t supposed to try again until my levels returned to normal...but....I got my first positive yesterday (technically Monday but my anxious and discouraged self threw the test away too early and didn’t see the faint line until I pulled it out to compare the new test to a negative test 🤦‍♀️). I am 3weeks5days today.

I haven’t felt pregnant though and haven’t had many symptoms other than sore and swollen breasts. I have had a LOT of pretty bad cramping and I am terrified this one isn’t going to take....

Bottom: Monday

2nd: Tuesday morning

3rd: Tuesday night

Top: Wednesday morning (today)

Is cramping like this normal? Does the line progression seem normal? Are there any other mommas out there with hypothyroidism causing their fertility issues?

Good vibes to everyone