Mature eggs for ICSI

I’m wondering if this has happened to anyone else. The day after my retrieval they called to tell me how many of my eggs were mature (11) and successfully fertilized (6). However, they told me that on Day 1 the remaining immature eggs that they retrieved actually became mature, so they tried fertilizing those as well, but they wouldn’t know if they were successfully or not until the next day. Since my clinic only does phone calls on a Day 1 and Day 6, I didn’t find out my total number of successfully fertilized eggs until Day 6, which is also when I found out my number that made it to freeze.

I’m curious if anyone else has had eggs that become mature the day after the retrieval? I feel like most people on this app know their total number of mature and fertilized eggs the day after the retrieval, but I’ve never heard of eggs maturing the day after retrieval. Is this normal?