My hormones have taken over today.... De-stress techniques needed...

Sweet • IG @chleaanderson_ 💛

My poor boyfriend.

Today we kept getting into over smart remarks I kept saying.

Normally I am not like that. I’m sweet and nice.

Eventually he asked me what is my deal.

I thought deep down inside of me and I said,

“I’m afraid. I’m pregnant again and I’m afraid evry time I go to the bathroom I’m going to see blood. I repeat past events in my head over and over. I’m stressed I’m going to be pregnant all the way until the 9th month again and our baby is just gonna die again!”

Along w/ more dramatics... he doesn’t know what to do but he seems to have an understanding of my weird behavior which makes me feel slightly better. I love him. He’s an amazing man.

This pregnancy is no where close to how amazing my first pregnancy started off.

I’m moody as fk. So up and down and hot and cold.

Any de-stress techniques y’all can share?