A post from a tired mom who’s pregnant and has a sick baby lol


So I just wanted to rant a little and get out my feelings I currently have a 3 month old she’s sick 😷 her temps have been flexuating from 100.2 to 100.5, she’s just super fussy and sick I feel so bad but on top of that I’m 5 weeks pregnant and my nausea is the worst it’s ever been haha soo I’m just stressed and tired trying to take care of my self and my baby girl and my baby in side of me! Especially with all the stuff going around I don’t want to take her to the hospital unless I really half to because the fact she’s so young and I’m also pregnant and my immune system is low so ya and I do have a little help my fiancé got laid off so he’s been home but he’s also sick lol so I’m taking care of an extra man baby also😂😂😂😂😂 I also have a sore throat and am a bit sick but it is what it is I can’t rest so mines not bothering me much haha ok sorry for the long rant thanks for reading!!