Warning about NIPT test/screening


Hi everyone! First of all, I’m not necessarily saying to not do the test... BUT For any mommies out there choosing to have the screening done, I want to remind you they’re not perfect. I did Natera Panorama testing, they claim to be 99% accurate. My results came back positive for Trisomy 13 & 18. My chances were 1 in 17 of having it. I was devastated. For those that don’t know, those are very severe, highly likely the baby wouldn’t make it to birth... if so, highly unlikely to live past a year. Thankfully I had an appointment with a high risk doctor the following day. We repeated a NIPT test but this time used Myriad brand. Everything came back negative!! Baby is PERFECTLY healthy (also confirmed in ultrasound).

So... for any mommies out there that have just received a positive, remember.. it is not by any means a diagnosis. It is NOT 100% accurate. If you test positive, definitely do your research and look into it. But please don’t slump into a dark place like I did! Ugh... I seriously cried for a straight 24 hours thinking I was going to go through a second miscarriage.

Prayers for all healthy babies! Stay safe ladies!

** edited. Some people seemed upset about my post. I took out my wording of saying “the test was wrong” but kept the rest because I still think it’s important for others to know this test is not diagnosis. I know 1 in 17 seems like good odds of baby not having it... but not compared to 1 in 10,000 which I received for my retest. If you get a positive, follow up with a ultrasound and retest because it can come back negative! :)