Is your dog super up your butt?


I swear my dog has been ALL the way up my butt lately lol. Even more so than when I was pregnant with my daughter. My last pregnancy he really didn’t do much until mid-end of second trimester. He was clingy and acting out (ie: running away for hours, shoving past me when I tried to walk through the door, blocking my path so I couldn’t walk anywhere, peeing in the house, etc.) this time I’m only 7w4d right now and he is literally a stage 5 clinger 😂 The last week or so he has been kind of douche-y and for the last 2 days he’s been whining all day for no reason. Now he won’t go to bed with my fiancé anymore. He has to wait for me to go to bed and when I’m ready to go upstairs, he walks super closely up the steps with me. Like touching me lol and before I go up he has to lay under my feet or right next to me or he halfway gets on the couch and puts his head and paws across my lap. Anytime I move he’s on alert. If I get up to go to the bathroom or get a drink he’s following extremely closely and then waits and watches me do what I’m doing and then follows me back to sit down and watch tv. Picture cause he’s an adorable pain in the butt

Please excuse my messy floor, I promise I just cleaned them yesterday and swept 3 times today. With a toddler and a dog it’s impossible to keep anything clean for more than 5 minutes

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