Moms with Anterior Placentas!


When did you start feeling flutters? I’m 15 weeks on Sunday with baby #2. My first baby I had a posterior placenta and could feel her very early for a FTM. Like 13 weeks I was feeling teeny flutters occasionally when I was sitting at my desk at work. Was happening enough that by 16 weeks I was 100% positive it was baby and my husband felt her for the first time from the outside at 17 weeks by chance when I was leaning back in a recliner sitting in his lap. With this baby I have an anterior placenta. I have felt small little flutters that make me think “gosh that feels a lot like a tiny baby”. I woke up in the middle of the night last night and could have swore I felt the baby move but I was half asleep. Everyone says it will take a lot longer to feel baby and I’m just wondering if that’s everyone’s experience or if anyone could still feel their baby semi-early?!