Advice needed

So my first and only pregnancy resulted in a miscarriage this past November. We quit preventing pregnancy in November of ‘17 after we got married and didn’t have any luck getting pregnant until November ‘19. We are unsure of how far along I was because I never missed a period, but when my period began, I bled for about a month straight on/off. I had a blood test done about three weeks after bleeding started and they said I was four weeks along at that time, but i was more likely further along, and it had dropped due to the miscarriage already happening. I took a pregnancy test the day I started my period and it was negative. When I went to the ER and had my blood test, I took a urine test right before I went and it was the only positive I received.

Fast forward to now, this past month is the first month we have tried since my miscarriage. My periods are regulated and have been since the end of December, I am on a hormone balancing essential oil that has progesterone in it (I used this the first time I got pregnant, as well). I could be pregnant now, as we have had sex multiple times during my fertile window but it has only been about a week and I have taken 2-3 tests... two were blue dye though. One looked positive but appeared after the 10 minutes.. one appeared before the 10 minutes but looked very faint and gray (more like an evap line) and a digital one that said I wasn’t pregnant. I’m worried to do anything such as take a hot bath, take ibuprofen, have a glass of wine because I’m scared my urine tests are just false negatives like it was the last time. I know it’s early and need to wait a little longer anyways to take another test, but I am so impatient 😬. Was my HCG just undetected before my period the first time due to the pregnancy not lasting or has anyone else had trouble showing a positive within the first couple months of pregnancy? Is that necessarily a foreshadowing of a miscarriage?