

My baby is now 9 months old and was fine as could be expected up until 5 months apart from constipation when she started really refusing all feeds. She was screaming waking at night and generally seemed to be in pain. Two months ago we were prescribed nutramigen on the advice of the pedi who said CMPA but doctor and other health professionals said not possible as she was not always refusing feeds and doesn’t have the typical symptoms. Her bowels regulated on nutramigen and she tends to go every day once sometimes twice and some days she won’t go or have a hard movement. When firsts prescribed nutramigen she took straight to it but now every bottle is a fight. She will only feed in her room in the dark sometimes lying down sometimes not. Sometimes she needs the mobile on to feed and sometimes like today she will have 2oz (usually has 4oz for prenap bottle). She never had taken more than 4oz per bottle is okay with solids but doesn’t take much of this either. She will take 1/2oz then I have to leave her a while to roll around in cot and keep going back to feed her over a period of time. Last night she took an hour to have the bottle but wouldn’t sleep because she was hungry but wouldn’t take it. She isn’t teething at the minute and we have tried teething products Calpol etc before bottles and nothing seems to work. Some bottles she will be fine with but others she refuses to open her mouth and gets worked up so I stop trying but she doesn’t always have enough for her age and size. Could this all be down to the taste of nutramigen? She’s fine having Calpol, infacol etc so I’m thinking it’s the smell and taste. She will use a sippy cup for water but not for milk. Any suggestions? I’m honestly exhausted and I’m 4 months pregnant on top of it. It’s been 3 months now. She settles herself to sleep alone fine without feed (has this before she gets put down then had a little roll about) she’s not a problem self soothing but she is if she won’t take bottle before bed or nap. I’m struggling.