36+3; 1cm dilated

I'm a FTM due 9 May.

I was feeling awful last night. I had nausea and stomach cramps, diarrhea, and just generally wasn't having a good time.

My husband called L&D and they told him to bring me in because it sounds like labour. They wore me like a sock puppet and concluded I'm 1cm dilated.

Today I had an ultrasound with my obgyn and he says baby's lungs aren't ready. They're going to administer steroids to help but he didn't check my dilation or anything.

Obgyn says I can go home tomorrow and then he will see me on Tuesday (37+3) to check on baby.

I'm really impatient. I have bipolar and anxiety disorders and I want to hold my son. I'm tired of waiting but I want him to be healthy, especially with covid-19 hanging around.

Please can you ladies tell me how long it could take since I'm already dilated and how I can better cope with the way my mental illness is making me feel about having to wait? Unfortunately my country is in lockdown so I can see doctors for physical illness and mental health emergencies but I can't go to therapy till lockdown ends.