Who’s the crazy one: ME or my MIL?

So my MILs aunt, who lives overseas, bought us a bedding set for the crib off my registry and had it shipped to my MILs house. With the baby shower cancelled, the aunt told the MIL to give me the set now. It’s practically the last thing needed for the nursery to be done.

Well...I sent a progress pic of the nursery to my MIL today and she asked when I wanted to pick up the bedding set. I wrote her back and literally told her her son was on his way to their house anyway so to just send it back with him. You know what she said?!

She said: No, you come get it. You need to get out of the house. We don’t have Covid.


I reacted with the “haha” to her message. Truth is, my anxiety kicked in today and it’s been on my mind since it happened. Btw, this is the same woman who forced herself on me after I refused to hug her due to the current pandemic. Her response? She’s extra “cautious” and I have nothing to worry about.

I’ve talked to my husband and he agrees that she crossed the line, but doesn’t want me taking it personally. Anyway, just looking for some reassurance that I’m not overreacting and that it’s not my hormones.

For anyone wondering, she never did send the bedding set with hubs. 🤦‍♀️ I’m thinking about buying one myself and posting nursery update pics on social media. Yup, petty. Idc 🤷‍♀️