Advice on how to handle a pushy boss?


I thought my post was pretty clear but apparently I need to state this again: I AM going into work every week for my SCHEDULED shifts on Saturday and every other Sunday. I have not called off a single time since I’ve worked here. I am just not able to pick up extra shifts like I was before this covid 19 stuff started.


Here’s a little background info:

I had been a SAHM for 7 years when I decided I wanted a VERY part time job. The idea was to just get me out of the house a little and make a little extra money because I don’t like spending money on myself when I’m home all day.

When I interviewed for the job, I was very clear about what I expected and my boss said it was not a problem whatsoever. We agreed that I’d work every Saturday (10 hours) and every other Sunday (5 hours). So, 10-15 hours a week. Like I said, very part time. Those are my OFFICIAL hours on the schedule every week.

Well, I went through training and the very first week I was finish with training, she asked me to pick up a shift. It was just a 4 hour shift and I was able to so I agreed. For the last few months she’s been CONSTANTLY asking me to pick up shifts. Sometimes I say yes, sometimes I say no.

My husband is an essential employee and has to work longer hours now so for the last few weeks I haven’t been able to pick up any shifts.

She just sent me an email today saying:

“Hey, I’ve noticed you’re no longer willing to pick up extra shifts as needed. I was okay with you saying no on occasion but for several weeks you haven’t picked up a single extra shift. I appreciate that you’re here for your scheduled weekly shifts but you really need to start being a team player again. This is not the time to flake out on your work family. If you are unwilling to help out, we might need to consider termination of employment and I really don’t want to take it that far. Please respond with what shifts you’re able to pick up over the next two weeks.”

What am I even supposed to respond? I have told her that my husband has been working crazy hours and that I am UNABLE to pick up shifts but she still words it as though I’m UNWILLING to help out and I DO show up for my scheduled shifts so I don’t see how its even remotely okay for her to threaten termination. I really enjoy the job itself so I don’t want to quit but idk whah else to do at this point.

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Posted at
Allow me to preface by saying I have 7 years of managerial experience; 4 in a retail environment and 3 in a project management capacity with global functions.I'd tell her to fire me, honestly. That's her job. You're not required to pick up extra shifts. She asks, you say no. You two agreed upon hours worked when initially hired. That's that. She very well could put you on the schedule for an extra day or two a week to screw you over but that would be easily rectified by a call to HR when all of this is over. Now, you could have an open dialogue with her about the current situation but based on her initiation, I don't see her being very understanding for long I'd she is initially. How you respond is up to you. However, be very clear that you were not hired on an as needed basis, but for 10-15 hours a week. Good luck!


Posted at
I’d tell her in email that due to your husband being essential, you cannot work any days except your scheduled shift. Then I’d be willing to quit if needed. You’re working very minimal, you don’t need this job right now.


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I'd remind her that you talked about a very minimum amount of hours. You both agreed on the hours you would work. Remind her again that your husband is working overtime and your hands are really tied. If you're in an at will state they can fire you w/o a real reason though.


👼💙 • Apr 15, 2020
I 100% agree. I'm just stating the fact that it is possible to be fired for little to no reason at all.


The Mrs. • Apr 15, 2020
It sounds like this employer desperately needs help though. So, I doubt she’ll get fired. I think her boss put that out there to scare/bully her into picking up more shifts.


Posted at
Tell her no your not going to pick up extra shifts, remind her again of what was agreed upon when you were hired and that you are under no obligation to pick up extra shifts. Shes just trying to threaton you into taking extra shifts and pick up peoples slack. Save that email it could come in handy for wrongful termination later on if she does fire you. Sounds like an empty threat to me


Posted at
I would probably quit. I would write back and again explain why you can’t pick up the extra shift right now. Then end the email in a professional way, but I would say something along the lines of you were in agreement to work your weekend shifts that range between 10-15 hours per week upon hiring. You weren’t aware nor were you interested in taking on additional extra shifts every week, so do not agree that should be an expectation. I would then say thank you for the opportunity, but you would like to end your employment. I would offer to still come in for the next two weekend shifts if needed, but you would like to be done after that. I’m sure once things get back to normal you can find another part time job that respects your schedule more. I’d make it very clear in any interview your expectations and how you are unable to pick up extra shifts on a regular basis.


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I would remind her what you agreed on originally (10-15 hours weekly) if she has a problem with that then I’d quit


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Her message sounds like she’s trying to guilt trip you by trying to make it seem like you’re a flake and a non team player and then to low key try to threaten your employment?!? If you gotta do all that then fire me bc honestly that msg is VERY telling of her as a person, in my opinion.You’re not required to take extra shifts and for her to be manipulative like that is whack af. So I’d respond by telling her that if the schedule that she agreed upon initially is no longer available then consider this my two weeks notice or just simply take me off the schedule now, 🤷🏾‍♀️


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I would respond by letting her know about your husband’s job and his increase in mandatory hours and because of this you have no child care.


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Tell her again on why you can't pick up the additional shifts. I'd start looking for another job that will align with the hours that you can work.


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I mean most places I've worked if your part time it's expected and sometimes required for you to have a minimum of 20 hours 25 depending on the place my previous job was like that a few employees almost got fired for not meeting their hour requirements just like some full-time employees were taken down to part time because they weren't working the required hours for a full time employee


The Mrs. • Apr 15, 2020
That’s not the case here though. She agreed on set hours and those were 10-15 hours a week. If there had been a minimum requirement, her boss would’ve required her to take more permanent shifts than that.