Relationship advice

Hey guys, I’ve Been with my partner for 10 years, we’ve been TTC for over a year and we’ve had no successful. Nothings worked.

I always thought he was the one for me, but every time we got a negative I was alone crying broken sad and distraught over and over and he never cared. Never comforted me never told me he was sorry. He would say nothing, clearly im a idiot and saw something I shouldn’t have.

He claims to love me but he’s never there.

I was ovulating lastnight and I thought yep this might be our time and he didn’t want to try, he went to sleep. We argued and he went to sleep peacefully and I went to bed crying my eyes out all night, woke up this morning and he left for work with not a single word.

My heart is so hurt, my stomach is in knots and imconstantly hating myself.

The night before he told me I don’t arouse him.. I cried and cried & he apologised the next morning told me he’d make it up to me and then as said previously he fell asleep we argued and I cried all night again.

What am I supposed to do, where do I go from here 💔💔💔💔💔💔😭😭😭

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Posted at
I think your gut is telling you what to do, that's why your so heartbroken. Put yourself and your happiness first - don't settle for anything less. 💛🤞


Posted at
This is not okay, he’s disregarding your feelings. You need to have a conversation with him and if he’s not down to change this toxic behavior then you need to walk out that door. You deserve way better than to be crying yourself to sleep