Should I be upset/disappointed with my dad?

Angels Mommy

Today’s my birthday, day is almost over. I turned 28 years old. I’m a bit upset/ disappointed with my dad. He forgot my birthday again. This is the third time. And before anyone starts hear me out... I’m upset because I have half sister and which is his first born child and she lives hours away and hardly come to see him. You can say it’s been 3 years since the last time we saw her. Anyways he always remembers her birthday and always makes sure I call or text her happy birthday. Last time he forgot my birthday he said he was sorry and he promise not to forget again and slide me money in my hand. I forgave him and let it go. But once again he forgot. I have already talk to him before about how I felt and how I feel like sometimes he give more thought into my step sister. He swore that’s not true and that it wouldn’t happen again. Idk guys am I over reacting? My hubby says I shouldn’t be upset because I’m a grown ass women and those things shouldn’t matter to me?

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Posted at
How old is your step sister and does she hve a family? And i think you shouldnt keep expecting from someone who let u down 3x’s. I know it probably hurts.... but u have your own family now focus on them. And when people fail you.... you adjust your expectations so u dont get disappointed.


❤️Briabella👗 • Apr 16, 2020
Well my love......... forget his😩. He”ll learn.


Angels Mommy • Apr 16, 2020
I’m sorry I should edit this: she’s my half sister🤦🏻‍♀️ she’s divorced and I’m married with my own son but I’m always checking up on my dad and see him weekly. Which is why I’m a little heart broken and confused that he tends to remember certain dates


❤️Briabella👗 • Apr 16, 2020
Im confused.... u said step sister but its his first born. So hes your step dad????? Because if yall share biological dad thats your half sister?


Posted at
My dad does this to me every year. He has 4 children and I’m the only one that gets forgotten on their birthday. This year he called me 5 days late. Last year he called me 3 months late. Each time it’s the same excuse, “I’m so sorry. I’ve been so busy at work. I feel terrible and I’ll never forgive myself. I promise I’ll call you on the day next year.” Every year, without fail he never calls and it always hurts me.


Posted at
I’d also be upset 🤷🏽‍♀️


Posted at
Aww that sucks I’m sorry. My mom was the last one who texted me happy birthday this year. It was like 8pm by the time she did, some people just disappoint us and it’s hard not to think about it but just try to think of everyone who did make your day special and who you love.


Angels Mommy • Apr 16, 2020
Yeah I know if it wasn’t for my mom, my hubby n son I’d be really down in the dumps


Posted at
I think to avoid this you should bring it up before the day comes , I know you shouldn't have to but some people get so caught up in their lives that they forget . I always plan something or ask around what I should do for my birthday because I want to celebrate not to wait for someone to celebrate it for me , idk if that makes sense.


Angels Mommy • Apr 16, 2020
Yeah I get you 👍🏼