Anyone conceive 2 days before ovulation?

This may sound like a stupid question but my cycle has been all over the place this month. I've been just <a href="">tracking ovulation</a> with CM as its only my second month of trying. On the 13th I had a very small amount of stretchy mucus so we BD. I was due to ovulate on 14th but I had no signs of ovulation. Yesterday, I had a lot of ewcm so it was obviously my peak ovulation day.

I've spent the morning in tears because despite initiating sex on both days, my partner didn't want to. I don't really tell him when I'm ovulating because I feel that adds pressure and I don't want sex to be JUST about conceiving when it's usually fun and enjoyable. I'm just really upset and feel like I'm out for another month because we didn't BD the past two days when it would have been most important. Has anyone got pregnant even 2 days before ovulation?