Sad & confused...

Kelsiann • Mama to 3 under 3 • Elyse, Nolan, & Jesse 💛

I was not planning to stop breastfeeding Elyse any time soon.. I’m 12 weeks with twins & my midwife told me that soon I’ll have to stop breastfeeding her bc breastfeeding brings on contractions. I don’t want to nurse her & the twins at the same time, I was thinking about stopping at around 30 weeks. But the thing is, I’ve seen so many posts on Instagram where the mom is pregnant with twins & still breastfeeding, or had her twins already & still breastfeeding her toddler... she wants me to stop at 16 weeks 😳 I feel like it’s being taken away from me..obviously I can choose not to but it makes me nervous thinking that breastfeeding my baby could bring harm to my other babies. I’m just sad ☹️