What would you choose?

Hi all. STM. For my first I need to have a c section as I was past 40 weeks and I had a failed induction. I wasn’t even dilated after more than 24 hours of the induction. Due to the baby’s heart rate getting a bit irregular I was recommend a c section and my little man was healthy and is now a wonderful two year old.

For this pregnancy I am debating waiting to try for a VBAC or scheduling a c section at 39 weeks since I needed one with my first. The main concerns are potential for uterine rupture without a c section or the possibility of not going into labor again and then needing a c section. What would you choose? doctor said they will support whatever I choose but did note that since I couldn’t even labor either my first that might happen again. I’m a small framed person so the issue with my first was he was too large for my pelvis (he was 8.5 pounds). Thanks!