I started getting contractions around 4am on 04/16/2020

I started getting contractions around 4am on 04/16/2020. I timed my contractions which came like every 5-6 mins. I informed my mother and boyfriend about the pain. I waited until around 9am that same morning to go to the hospital. Once my boyfriend and I got to the hospital they asked how far along was I and I informed them I was 39 weeks and 4 days. They checked my vitals, my cervix, monitored baby and my contractions. I was having contractions but my cervix was still closed, I haven’t began to dilate. The nurse informed my boyfriend and I that she would admit me being that I’m so far and being that my chart shows that the baby may have Coarctation of Aorta, which has something to do with my baby heart. Once admitted the nurse induced my labor around 12pm by placing a ballon inside my vagina and once the ballon blew up I would be 4cm dilated. The cramps started to get more severe. At 11:59pm the nurse broke my water I was then 6cm only. As time went on we just waited for me to dilate 10cm fully. Around 7am on 04/17/2020 I pressed the bell for the nurse. I told them I felt like I needed to push. The nurse checked to see how far dilated I am. She told me it seemed like I was 10cm dilated but they wanted to wait one more hour until the baby head is fully down in my pelvic so it wouldn’t be that hard for me to push. The nurse and doctor came back into the the room around 8:50am and said ok let’s deliver your baby. I started pushing at 8:52am and at 9:01am, 04/17/2020 my beautiful baby made her grand arrival weighing 7 pounds 13 ounces, 51cm long. The most amazing feeling I felt. She was my joy in the midst of all this chaos with the Coronavirus pandemic. She’s the start of my “Storeigh”. She look just like her mommy BEAUTIFUL as ever. Mommy and Daddy Princess is so perfect. Every ounce of pain was Worth It All!