Some people...

So we live in the same duplex as my MIL, and her sister arranged a drive-by baby shower to drop off the gifts. We originally thought they would just drop off the gifts then sit in their cars to watch us open or whatever but they drove by honking their horns then stopped and brought all the gifts to the front lawn, so my MIL really had the audacity to get snappy with us because we got a little socially awkward with everyone watching and staring and other cars driving by so we just kinda sat there unsure of what to do... I think she expected us to be jumping of joy like honestly I don’t know but her attitude with us was pretty shitty lol she recorded the whole thing and I commented that other cars were staring and she comes up to me and says “watch what you guys say I’m recording!!”

At first she was alright when we told her about the baby, a little pushy about things but tolerable but lately I can’t stand to be near her. She seems to think I’m incapable of anything, tells me what to buy or what not to use. I’m over it, she’s been talking about moving out so I’ve been sending her ads for other apartments I just want her to let us do things out way. She lives directly below us and I am TERRIFIED that she will come up here and try to “soothe the baby” anytime she hears her cry. I’ve been telling my boyfriend that when the baby is born she is not to come in at all, I don’t care if she lives below us she doesn’t get first dibs. She seems to think that social distancing is exempt to family members and constantly just shows up 😒 I guess I just needed to rant, turns out she also judged the name that we chose. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Maybe it’s the hormones and being 35 weeks pregnant but all I want is to be left alone to do as I please and raise my child the way I want.