Not losing body fat!


I’ve lost 40 lbs this year, which is awesome and I’m very happy about this achievement.

My issue is that I feel like I’m losing too much water/muscle weight in comparison to actual fat. Before the quarantine though, I was doing weight training and ab workouts while maintaining a pretty decent diet for over a month. I lost more weight, but I don’t feel like I’m losing much fat to compare. I had some ab development, but I’ve lost it now, but with the abs it looked like I had the same amount of body fat as I do now. I’m not worried about the numbers on the scale, but if I manage to dip under 100 and still maintain this fat, I think there’s an issue, it may very well be my fault too! I’m willing to listen to any suggestions to change or advice.

I’m current 105 lbs, and I lost 2 lbs with the past 2 weeks with minimum activity and kinda balanced diet. From 118 down to 108 I was doing weight training with 20 lbs for my arms and 260 lbs for my legs 5/7 days of the week and 3 days a week did ab training. I even sometimes instead substituted just to bike or walk that day to make sure I didn’t over work myself too bad.

This is over the course to 15 to 16 years old. My calorie intake is 1,600 calories, rarely more, never anything over 2,000 (I just can’t eat like that anymore).

I’ve been working at at pizza place for the past month and I trade out salads and pizzas, but usually I can never handle anything more than 3 slices. Even then, I still been losing weight with not working out, but not body fat. Body fat feels like it’s been the same even when I was working out.

I’ll answer any questions! But suggestions and help would be great!!

Edit: Because of quarantine, I don’t have access to weights. So I’m looking to slim down. My concern is how much body fat I have for my weight, because when you’re down to 105 you’d think I have a flat stomach! But I don’t, I find quite fluffy (too much for my liking), and it feels the same as when I was at 110 or 115. It isn’t like I’m slim, so that’s what I want to get to before I start body building.