I hate when my bf drops acid

sweet tea

I’ve never really said anything because i don’t wanna be one of those girlfriends that he stops everything cause of me and his friends don’t like it; cause that happened to my friend a year ago. I don’t like seeing him high or on acid because he isn’t the same (obv lol) but kind of like he just isn’t as affectionate which is normal if you’re high but that why I just don’t like it. And it’s also cause if had really messed up stuff happen with my mind and it relates me back to when I was a stoner and I don’t know if that ptsd or just anxiousness thinking about that. But anyways I just don’t like it and I feel like we’re on a different wave length with that stuff and idk what to do. I love him to death and we’ve been together for 7 months but yea:/