Drying up milk?


I tried to read the post about weaning but the link was broken so I'm posting this: I mainly pump my milk. I occasionally nurse my baby. Anyways I can't keep a pumping schedule because any time I need to pump my baby cries and the people helping me think I'm just trying to getting out of caring for my baby when I need to pump. They don't understand I need to keep a schedule and anytime I do decide to delay pumping to take care of my baby that delay turns into a 2-3 hour delay and then I have gone 5-6 hours without pumping at that point and then it turns into a cycle of pumping every 6 hours and basically I now only pump 2-3 times a day. I think that is part of why my supply is so low. I had my baby 18 weeks ago and in the first 1-3 weeks I was pumping while my baby was in the NICU, I pumped almost 40 ml every time but now I pump only 5 - 20 ml. I only get up to an once of milk if I've gone 9+ hours without pumping which is usually after I've slept overnight. Anyways with the small amount I pump everyday 2 oz or a little less in total, I don't think it's worth it to pump anymore since it sounds like my milk supply has already been established since I'm 18 weeks postpartum. My baby received room of milk so she drinks that mostly and gets my milk once every few days.

Also my flange size that have seems to be too big still. I currently am using a 17 mm but I'm guessing i am either a 13 mm or 15 mm. I received a spectra s2 pump but I don't have any parts for it so I'm still using my main pump since being a stay at home mom with no income, I'm to broke to buy the spectra pump parts.

So my question is how do I get my milk to dry up since my supply won't get bigger? I would totally quit cold turkey but I heard to not do that since that can lead to clogged ducts or mastitis.