Soft cervix???


Hello!! I would appreciate some advice from you wonderful ladies. I’ve been TTC for 8 months now I’m 26...

I feel like my apps say I ovulate on a specific day but then my egg white cervical mucus happens a day or two after the app says. I try the feel your cervix method too I hear that if you put your finger in, and it’s super soft and open your ovulating!

Well I did that, I have tons of stretchy clear cervical mucus with a super soft opening today!! I baby danced with my man!!!!

Oh and by the way I work in the health care field and when I get to work the hospital requires us to check our temp before clocking in, and the whole week I was at like a 97.1 temp and today I spiked up 99.1 first thing this morning!!

Do you guys think I have a chance this month????