Pregnancy maybe...???


Alright I need some advice and please no one judge me.. I'm 16 years old and recently I've been having sex with this guy. We used protection once and then he just kinda stopped and it never bothered me. But I was supposed to start my period on April 17th and I still haven't got it. I occasionally feel bloated and I feel some mild cramps sometimes. I noticed bleeding a few days ago but then it went away. Today is now April 22nd and I'm so scared to test. And how I would tell my parents. My sister is also currently pregnant and living at home but she's 20 and is engaged. I feel so alone in this and I have no idea what to do.. Please help me out and give me some good advice! Thank you for listening!

Edit: So today is the 23rd and I took a test but it said negative but I also drank a bunch of soda before testing so I'm gonna test again because I still haven't gotten my period.

Another edit: I'm honestly so lost I keep getting negative tests but no period and everytime it says negative I want to cry. I feel like I'm going insane.

Final edit: So today I woke up and I no longer felt sick and I started bleeding but it wasn't normal so I think I'm having a miscarriage. It hurts really bad. But everything will turn out fine. Thanks for you guy's help.