Gastrointestinal Issues


I’m 6 weeks with my 5th child. I don’t think I’ve ever had this combination of problems at once.

-constipation-> I’m cramping like I’m going to have diarrhea but there’s nothing there to come out (sorry tmi)

-nausea—> constantly. If i try to eat I feel sick if I don’t I feel sick

When I do eat I can only eat a tiny amount because I feel immidetly full like I had a thanksgiving dinner and it hurts.

-CONSTANT burping. Like every 3-5 minutes constant. I can’t even drink water without burping.

It’s like from my neck to my bum I’m having issues. Do you think I might have too much progesterone? Is that even possible? I read online that slows your digestive tract down.. I’m so uncomfortably I almost want to go to the hospital to get some kind of medicine for relief