High blood pressure?


Anyone have a midwife/Dr concerned about blood pressure? I had my anatomy scan last Friday. A midwife, that I've never seen, said she saw a couple of times during my pregnancy (23 weeks today) that my blood pressure was a little high. Which there have been a couple of times when I've gone in super anxious and worried. So she said she looked at my chart over the past years and she's seen a few times it's been high. This is news to me as no one has ever mentioned it, including the APRN I usually see. Even times I've went to the ER for chest pains (torn muscles) no one has ever said anything. She said we'll keep an eye on it. She said the way my chart looks I have high blood pressure,but she wasn't gonna diagnose me yet. We are gonna watch it. This last time it was 121/78. Usual for me is 120-125/80-83.

Just curious if anyone else has had this come up at an appointment.