Normal Weight Gain?


My baby boy just turned 2 months old today, so he had his 2 month checkup. He cried when the shots went in and it broke my heart because he hardly ever cries!! But as soon as it was over he gave me a big smile! Love my boy 😍

So, my little love bug was born 7.13 lbs and 19.5 inches long. Today, he weighed in at a whopping 13.9 lbs and 23.5 inches long. His doctor said “he’s a huge baby for 2 months!” And I worried when he said that. He asked if anyone in my family and my significant other’s family is tall, but no! And I’m 5’2 and he is 5’7, so we are relatively short I believe.

Doctor told me to give my baby chamomile tea in between feedings so that he doesn’t eat over 24 ounces (strictly formula fed/fed on demand.) but my baby eats every 3-4 hours about 3-4 ounces. He’ll eat anywhere from 24 ounces to maybe 30 ounces. On average he’ll eat about 27 ounces.

I wanted to see if anyone else had their baby gain this much weight? Is this normal? I’m kinda freaking out and don’t want to feel like a bad mom because he’s gained so much weight 😭😭😭

Pic of my happy little love below. 💜