Need a mans advice

So me and my now fiancé have been together about 6years. We broke up last year for about 2 months and I got pregnant. He’s helping raise my son like he’s his own (as far as we’re concerned he is) and he does everything for us. I’m a stay at home mom. But I don’t know what to do because I’m just not attracted to him. Idk what it is. It’s been this way for a while. I’m about to turn 20 and apart from the guys I slept with while we were broken up he’s the only relationship I’ve had since I was 14. I mean he’s not bad looking, but he does have sort of bad hygiene and doesn’t understand simple things (such as why you should take a shower when you get home since he works at a chicken plant and stinks all the time, or like why we should have curtains in the house)🤦‍♀️ I love him don’t get me wrong I just don’t feel in it anymore. We also don’t have sex at all. He honestly is not good at it. And I can’t stand it because I like sex 😂 I don’t know what to do because we’re supposed to be building this life together. And growing but I always feel stuck. Recently I have been doing little things like I finally applied to college. But I feel like he doesn’t want to move forward like he talks about it and everything but he doesn’t do anything to help make it actually happen. I try to be encouraging but it’s like he’s stuck in his high school stage and he’s about to be 24. I don’t want to leave but at the same time I do. I feel like I’m not experiencing the things I want to. Like I’m just stuck but the last time he would threaten to kill himself and he always tells me how he almost did and he tells me about all this bad stuff that happened to him while we weren’t together and I honestly feel like if I did muster the courage towable everyone would hate me. I just have no clue what to do or where to start