Tommorow is the big day.....& scared


Tomorrow is the day and to be honest I am scared. I previously had a csection schedule for4/24 ar 39 weeks. My last appointment on 4/20 my doctor decided to change it to give me more time to give birth so he reschedule my csection for 4/27 at 8:30 am and that day I was only half or 1cm and very soft cervix baby is head down but high I think. I have been telling them I want a vbac delivery but of course like always they tell me I have to go into labor on my own which I don’t think it is happening. I have had a few contractions that comes and go but never constantly to stay. And I don’t think I lost my mucus plug maybe a part of it idk unless i flush it by accident. Trust me when I tell you have done everything in the book sex, drinking raspberry leaf tea 3x a day with a lease 2-3 bags, walking, up and down the stairs, squats, bouncing on my yoga ball. Sorry I am sounding desperate for wanting to have the baby out but my mean concern is I just don’t want to be cut again after being stuck at 7cm with my son who will be 22 months apart from his sister. The doctor that gave me more time will not be here Monday it will be another midwifes and doctor at the hospital who is on cal and trust me I had one of the doctor for my prenatal visits and they keep pushing me for a csection without giving me any advice pros and cons for a vbac.

I really don’t know what to expect tomorrow because my estimated due date was 4/28 but I am schedule for my surgery for 4/27. Any advice please I did ask for a membrane sweep at my previous appointment but the doctor said I had to be at least 2 cm to do it. Some other doctor in the practice I saw was telling me about inserting a ballon to help me dilate as an induction because there’s nothing wrong with me to have a csection unless baby was breech and if the methods doesn’t work with Pitocin epidural or balloon than they will do an emergency c section. I feel like I am putting myself at risk and the baby for not knowing what is next and I pray everyday as long I have a healthy baby and maybe by going with the csection is the best choice but I really want to listen to my body to wanting a vbac.