HELP!!! ME!!!


I’m a third time mom. My youngest is almost 5 months old and formula fed. We have had digestive issues since she was born. Puking, gassy, colicky, fussy, screaming constantly, diarrhea (which then lead to diaper rash), then with formula switches we got eczema and constipation and the puking and the screaming and the fussiness continued.

She can not tolerate regular (cows milk formula) she would projectile puke and it also gave her diarrhea. We came to the conclusion that she has cows milk protein allergy. Goats milk and cows milk proteins are similar so that didn’t work. Babies with an allergy to cows milk will usually react to soy proteins as well, we discovered, so that didn’t work.

We finally got her on Alimentum by Similac and and the projectile puking has stopped, as have the irregular bowel movements and with the help of aveeno the eczema is improving. HOWEVER!!! She is still VERY GASSY, she cries often, her little belly is tight. She spits up, farts, burps, screams, pulls her legs up. She’s miserable.

We have tried gripe water and Simethicone g

as drops. We do bicycle legs. We have switched her bottles to tommy tippy and tommy tippy colic something or another bottles. We do tummy time. We drink at an incline and stay sitting up/elevated. We burp often and we burp good. But the gassiness just will not stop.

Can anyone give me some suggestions, words of wisdom or encouragement???

We’re going to see the doctor again in a few days to update on how the new formula is going but my baby is miserable and I’m at my wits end. Please help me 😩😭