The girl

This is just a made up fantasy I have of someone. By the way this is my first story so I’m sorry if it’s shit.

I realised that Lily was staring at me, she must have asked me something. I was too busy fascinating about her. What would it be like to kiss her, would she kiss me back? Of course she wouldn’t. Lily and I had been best friends since primary. I never knew that I could have deeper feelings. We were both 15 now and in high school.

“Sorry”, I say realising I hadn’t been listening to Lily, I think she asked me a question. She was gorgeous as well, which made it even harder to stay away from her. We were washing our hands in the girls bathroom. Lily had a concerned look in her beautiful brown eyes.

“Are you alright, I can tell something’s been bothering you”, she asks slightly looking up at me. I wasn’t that much taller but she still had to look up, she was right. Something had been bothering me. Life at home wasn’t that great, but I always came to school excited to see her. She was my only happiness at the moment, but it kind of sucked that I had this massive crush on her because she would never feel the same way about somebody like me.

“What do you mean, nothing’s bothering me, I’m fine”, I put on the biggest fake smile. But she can see right through it.

“Then what’s this”, she quickly grabs my hand before I can react. I wince in pain as I pulled my hand back. Damn it, she saw the bruises. I’ve been trying to hide them in my pockets or with gloves, but it’s pretty hard when I have to wash my hands. Her eyes well up in tears. As she gets an idea of what’s happening.

“I fell last night and hit my hands on the concrete, I’m fine I promise,” I lie again. Trying to get the horrible yet true idea out of her head. She usually believes me when I come up with my cover up stories, but today she has a hard time to. She slowly walks towards me and takes my hands lightly in hers so it doesn’t hurt. My heart races. Our hands are cold from the water, but they are starting to heat up together. Tears are now rolling down her cheeks. I hated how I did that to her, I didn’t mean to make her cry. Damn it.

“Plea- please...,” her voice was cracking like crazy. Damn it. I should have hidden them better. I should have had a better excuse. Damn it. Now I can feel a tear rolling down my cheek. Damn it. I’m trying to be strong but it’s so hard when the girl I like is holding my hands and is so close to me. I quickly wipe my tear on my shoulder hoping Lily doesn’t see. But I’m too late.

“I’m fine Lily, I really am”, I say. I keep my voice strong without any cracks to seem convincing. But my hands are saying differently, as they shake uncontrollably in Lily’s hands. She looks at my shaking hands then looks back up at me. The school bell rings and ecos through the school. But we don’t move.

“I-.. I really care about you ok,” I could see she was struggling, she didn’t know what to say. But those words had gotten my heart beating like crazy. She cares about me, those words had gotten me to smile. But then I realise that she means that in a friendly way. Like she could care about someone like me. I stop smiling and look down. She raises her hand to my chest and feels my heartbeat going crazy. I look back at her. She looks at her hand on my chest then back up at me with a small smile. I wish I knew what she was thinking. I can feel my cheeks heat up and go red. She’s really close to me now. And I’m getting extremely nervous.

Sorry if this story isn’t very good, please let me know if you want more :)