New formula?


Has anyone had to switch formulas for persistent diaper rash? (She’s a red head so yes she is sensitive) She has had a diaper rash (just red, rough skin) for almost 2 months (she just turned 4 months old) We’ve been to the dr twice, we’ve tried nystatin, happy hiney & Riley butt cream (all three are prescriptions), plus every other diaper cream I can get my hands on. I change her religiously. I let her lay without a diaper every single day. The only thing that helps is aquafor. We have switched diapers and wipes to no avail. She has been on gentle Gerber everyday probiotics (orange can) since we came home from the hospital with no problems. Today her dr has switched her to either Nutramigen or Alimentum (whichever WIC will cover). I’m obviously taking the drs advice but I’m worried about changing formulas when we’ve really had no issues with formula other than the very, very occasional spit up. Has this happened to anyone else?