Evaps and true positives (edit)

I’ve been reading up on Evaps and indents as I’ve never experienced either one before. I took a blue dye test last night. (Taken out of time frame because I walked away) has a thick blue line. Seems to appear positive. Took a frer this morning. And it was a clear negative. I read that if the test line is the same thickness as the control line than it’s a positive. Also said that if the color is still there after 48 hours then it’s a true positive. Is it possible to have a positive on one test but negatives on all the others? Plus my bbt is going up. Period is due tomorrow but I don’t feel like she’s coming.

And yes I’m sure everyone will say blue dyes give false positives. And to keep testing. I plan on testing still until af shows up. To add I’m 13dpo.