
Tia • 36 married and mother to three little 👼👼👼 and my oldest son♡ TTC our 🌈🍼 after MC

Last cycle, i started spotting/bleeding on 8dpo. It was spotty for 2 days than a steady flow for about an hr than spotting the next day than nothing. I ignored it as just a weird cycle ... started testing opk this cycle and got a few light neg and 1 positive.. so if i ovulated id be 3dpo today.....if i had implantation bleeding last cycle id be around 6 weeks pregnant now... im super scared to test but am going nuts not knowing. But i am not ready to see a negative.

Im overheated


Super tired



Feeling twinges on both size

Backaches something fierce

Next ache



Head pressure

But my breasts which are usually super sore during the tww arent.

I dont know what to think let alone what i should do.

Test in the Am or wait and see if AF comes this month... -sigh-