Should I call my doctor?

Maude • •👼🏼C 💙•H🌈•B🐻

So on Saturday I woke up and my vagina felt so swollen and raw in the inside. I began to google and came to the conclusion that the most likely culprit was probably a yeast infection because I’m almost 6 weeks pregnant and read you can get them during pregnancy. I was sore Friday after using lube and then Saturday it was bad. I read on here that Monistat 7 is what’s recommended since i was unable to contact my dr. I used that Saturday night and by Sunday morning it was gone and now Monday It doesn’t hurt anymore. But the instructions say it can take longer. So idk if since it cleared up so fast that is was a yeast infection? Our lube is new so idk about an allergic reaction?? So I’m not sure if I should call my dr now? I’m fine but I don’t want anything to happen to this rainbow baby... should I call or no? I have my first appointment next Monday so I’m not sure if I should just wait.