Braxton Hicks question

Kiersten baby #3 due may 2024

33+1 today- I have about 1 contraction a day for the last week. They last about 3 minutes and are extremely painful- they start in my back and and move around to the front and are so severe they cause nausea... I think I have a pretty high pain tolerance. I thought these were Braxton Hicks but now I’m seeing a lot of mommas posting in here that their Braxton Hicks arnt painful? These are also sort of long... between 3-5 minutes however never more than one a day. I see my OB again next week, should I describe these as being different from Braxton Hicks? I’m a first time mom so I have no idea what “normal” should be. Also no discharge or any other alarming signs or I’d be on the phone with the doctor. Thank you in advance mommas! 💙