Pediatrician concerned about my 36weeker now 2 month old

She was born as late term preemie @36 weeks 5 lbs 11 oz 17 inches and at her 2 month shots she is now 9 pounds 2 oz 21 inches but my pediatrician is concerned about my daughters weight and how much she eats bcs she eats every 2-3 hrs and only takes 2 oz i tried to give more but she refuses the bottle after 2 oz. I wasn’t concerned about her weight up until now bcs he told me she was still on the small side & he wanted her to eat more to gain weight but i cant force bcs she shuts her mouth after 2 oz or starts sucking very slowly then doesn’t swallow the milk from bottle .. at first I thought her growth was going normal since she was a small baby but idk if he expects her to be growing like a full term baby and be like the average 2 months olds that are 11 pounds or more or if she’s supposed to be more than 9 pounds by now.. he referred me to a nurse to speak to then The nurse referred me to a nutritionist and i spoke to her and she said she was doing fine with her weight as long as she she gaining and has enough wet and dirty diapers .. so now im confused 😭.. I wrote this to see if anyone had a similar situation with baby gaining weight slowly or if you know which one of them is more right the pediatrician or the nutritionist bcs i heard that other pediatricians are not concerned as long as they are gaining and meeting their milestones