Birth Control Options

Hi ladies! So I switched from BC pills to a copper IUD about 2 years ago. One of the main reasons I switched was because I have moderate anxiety, but when I was on the pill my anxiety became severe. After research and doctors opinons I ruled that a main cause of this sudden and very severe anxiety was the hormones from my BC pills. There were other things going on in my life (long distance with my current SO of 3 yrs, job lay-off, just graduated college...), but my anxiety had never been so bad and I thought that the hormonal BC was the key differentiator. Fast forward 2 years I still have my paraguard IUD, my anxiety is still present but night and day in terms of the severity. (I honestly noticed a change within the first 6 months). However, I’m not gonna lie, having a copper IUD isn’t flows are very heavy (compared to before I would change my tampon the min req amount) as in the peak I change a super plus every few hours; my cramping is terrible (sometimes I feel like I’m going to pass out); and there are obviously some risks involved with Paraguard that are always on the back of my head (PID, infertility, etc).

So I’m posting all this because 1) I’m frustrated with having to choose between severe anxiety and a terrible monthly period 2) I would love to see if anyone has had similar experiences with hormonal BC making anxiety worse 3) if so what alternatives have you used?

I know mirena doesn’t cause as heavy of flows but does have some hormones, so if you have tried this, has it caused anxiety for anyone?

Thank you if you’ve read my whole post! I would really welcome all advice!