Dance Class

A bit of a long read....will you take the journey with me?

It was those sly looks that started this to begin with. Those brief moments across the classroom that left me with a little less air in my lungs. We'd both been coming to this Modern class for a while, and every time I wished we'd both chosen the contact improve class instead.

Today you came in your all black. Black joggers and T-shirt that outlined every muscle in those lean arms. Arms that I wanted to hold me close as you moaned in my ear when we both hit the Apex of our climax.

I'd spent nights alone fantasizing about how it would go. How'd we happen to stumble into each other after class and we'd grab a drink or two. How you'd pull me close as I stroked my hand up and down your inner thigh. Eventually you'd ask if I wanted to get out of here.... We'd tumble into your apartment as clothing flew everywhere...

5, 6, 7, 8 snapped my attention back to the class. Slightly embarrassed, I hoped into action attempting to copy a combination I hadn't seen. I breathed a sigh of relief as the combination ended and blushed at the wetness in my underwear that was now accompanied by the sweat glistening on my body. The slightest upturn of the corner of your lips caught my attention for many reasons. The main one being that you seemed to be laughing at me....Did you notice my moment of absence or maybe it was my weird attempt to follow the combination. Either way my train of thought was cut short as I realized I was staring and you began executing the combination.

The way your body moved to articulate the drop swings and lunges made my pussy throb with need. It was too much to take in and I couldn't help but glance at the clear print through your joggers.

My mouth went dry.

You weren't small....not by a long shot.

Your hair swung as you moved and I wondered if it got in your way or if you were just trying to show off for the girls. Either way I wasn't complaining.

The ending of the combination transitioned into movement across the floor. Exploration. Although, what I wanted to explore moreso was you. I took a moment to collect myself as we walked through the space. What was I kidding? I wasn't that sexually promiscuous. I probably wouldn't even know what to do with all if you had I actually had the chance. There would probably be a lot of gawking and frantic fumbling on my end. A slight brush across my lower back jerked my attention from the floor. Looking back, I found you smirking as you continued walking in the opposite direction. A quick wink followed before you turned around fully to go on your way.


Hell, I'd go through the fumbling if I could have that moment with you no matter how embarrassing.

The remainder of the class consisted of small brushes here and there. The touch of a shoulder, the back of my hand, the middle of my back, the side of my breast, the side of my thigh, the curve of my butt. By the end of the class I was a wet mess, slightly blushed... unsettled and embarrassed about the amount of times I'd moaned aloud. God bless for the loud music.

I quickly ran to the locker room, desperately needing fresh air and a pat down. The hallway to the locker rooms was always cooled with the fresh scent of mint and lemon coming from the vents. As I stepped out of the locker room I was shocked to see the end of the hallway had darkened from the lack of sunlight. Had I taken that long to wipe down and get changed? ...just great. I pulled the strap of my bag up on my shoulder.

I was startled by a shuffling noise to my left. I glanced over and there you stood. I watched as the bit of light coming from the boys locker room dimmed as the door closed. Resting your bookbag over your shoulder you looked up at me.

I froze.

The tension in my body and the tension in the air could have caused electricity.



'Hi,' I breathlessly responded as you took a step closer to me.

'I noticed, we've been in the same class for a while and we've never had a proper conversation.' A hand came up to push your black hair out your eyes.

The sight almost made me orgasm.

'Yea, I noticed as well' I responded. 'You're an amazing dancer.' I hoped you couldn't hear the slight tremble in my voice as I spoke.

'Thank you, you are as well. I enjoy watching you.' You responded as you shifted your weight from right to left. The shift drew my attention downwards where I immediately noticed that you had kept your joggers on. The joggers that made the bulge in your pants all the more noticable, and god how I wanted to palm you.

Noticing my line of sight, you took another step closer. A small smirk on your face. It was then that I realized just how tall you were. Your frame overshadowed mine by more than a couple inches and I wasn't short by any means.

Just as I brought my gaze back up your lips descended on mine. Somewhere in the background I heard the thump of both of our bags falling to the floor.

I was stunned at first before my hands quickly wrapped around your neck pulling you closer. Your arms wrapped around my waist and I whimpered as I felt your bulge press against me. You were careful at first, testing the waters before your tongue pressed against my lips seeking entrance. I immediately obliged as the kiss became more frantic. I pulled at your hair as your hands traveled up and down the sides of my body and your hips settled between my legs. My nipples perked at the slightest brush of your fingertips and I arched into you begging for more. Your hand smacked at the wall near my head and I jumped. Your other hand remained at my waist as you hung your head in front of me. Breath shallow. I stood panting, hands on your chest as I waited unsure of your sudden outburst.

'This isn't enough' you whispered so lowly I almost didn't hear. You raised your head to look down at me with nothing but lust in your eyes.

'Come with me to my apartment. Let me...

fuck...' you glanced away swiping a palm down your face before looking back at me again.

'let me take my time...let me caress you properly. Let me explore your body. Let me hear your moans as I lick you everywhere. Let me hear that first gasp as I enter you. Let me hear every whimper as I fuck you long and hard. Let me watch you unfold as you cum in my arms. And then let me watch it all over again.

I could only nod in response as it took all my strength to keep my legs from collapsing under me.