A little help. Copper iud.

With all this covid stuff its a bit harder to get into my gyno doctor.

I have a paraguard and wanna know if something similar has happened. Im 22 Ive had the copper iud since last January <2019> before that i had skyla for 2 years

I had a period last month (april 16th-22nd) it wasnt as heavy flow as normal, just a little lighter flow. Instead of 4 pads a day- maybe 2 or 3 were used. I had alot of cramps and pain. on One night i think april 18th i literally crued it hurt so much for like 2 hours with midol- and a heating pad. My period slowed and stopped on april 22nd.

A week goes by and no blood. Then on april 30th i started to spot again, very light. Didnt wear a pad.

Another 4 days no blood.

2 days spotting very little again.

I went another 4 days no blood

And now- here i am a month later seemingly having another period? Very light flo <1pad/day> compared to normal extra heavy i have.<4pad/day> Having mild cramps.

Should i be worried???

Thank you in advance!