He came 10 weeks early!

I had a high risk pregnancy and was inpatient in the hospital until I gave birth. This was due to no amniotic fluid as my water broke at 20 weeks and my placenta was separating slowly. On Tuesday, I started having early labor signs but they went away eventually. By Wednesday night, I was having major contractions and called the nurse in (our favorite nurse-we got lucky!) She hooked me up to the monitor and noticed they were getting super close together and intense. She started magnesium through my IV. We called the doctor in to check me and I was 1 cm dilated. So we all agreed I should try to get some sleep and wait until I was further. By 11pm, I was in so much pain and could NOT sleep for the life of me. I called the nurse again and said I think he’s coming tonight! These contractions are legit! Then everything just started happening. I got the epidural which thankfully worked, as it hadn’t the first time, and I was so so grateful for the relief. The doctor checked me and I was fully dilated! She left for a few minutes and all the sudden I needed to push. I was screaming at the nurses and my boyfriend that I needed to push, but they were all saying no! I had to wait for the doctor to come back and for the NICU nurses to come in to set up the table and incubator for the baby. Finally the doctor came back and after 3-4 big pushes he was out! Within 15 minutes too! I wasn’t even sure he was actually coming out until my boyfriend said “omg I see his hair!!” And then I just tried my hardest and he was out. They did a delayed cord clamping so I was able to see him for a few seconds and he cried and even opened his eyes and made eye contact with me before they took him away.

He’s our little miracle baby! I’m so obsessed!

Dezna Hudson Lee born at 30 weeks exactly, May 13th 2:35 a.m. weighing 3 pounds. Our little guy is doing great in the nicu and we are so proud and excited to take him home in a few months.