Miscarriage, Yeast Infection, Stress, Change of Diet or Still Pregnant


Ok so I just ended what I thought might be my period. Before then I was late for almost 2 months. My "period" lasted a week and a half.

Heres a little back history: When I started experiencing my period, I was irregular. As I got older, they started becoming more regular.

My SO and I had what he called makeup sex at the beginning of all this craziness with the lockdowns. Since then I had no signs of period until about 2 weeks ago. I had a little spotting but it lasted about half a day. Now before I got my "period " 2 weeks ago, I changed up my diet to try and loose weight. I decided to cut processed sugar, pop, dairy and bread. My "period" came with little symptoms than usual. Two days after it all ended, we tried having sex a couple times and it hurt and the walls itched a little.

The reasons why I'm thinking it could be any of the upper suggestions..

1) Miscarriage: My SO thinks I had a miscarriage and not my period. He said, from personal experiences from before, the walls are "resetting"

2) Yeast Infection: I think I have a yeast infection because I just got over my "period" but I don't think I'm discharging.

3) Stress: Well right now I'm not working because of this virus and getting ready to pull my hair out.

4) Change of Diet: As I said above, I just recently cut out processed sugar, pop, dairy and bread.

5) Still Pregnant: My cousin in law thinks I could probably be pregnant because I haven't been feeling good lately with a lot of headaches. She said not only has she experienced bleeding while pregnant, but also her mom and some friends. I've taken 3 pregnancy tests and all came out negative..but she said she seen a faint second line.