Long story short I’m 15, never had sex, and kind of a hypochondriac. I’ll try my best to explain this.

So I was putting my underwear on and felt a bump. Ok, probably an ingrown since i’ve had them before and I know they can get bigger under certain circumstances. Not a ingrown. It’s like a little ball. Like mainly underneath the skin, like I can squeeze around it and I can feel it underneath my skin. It’s not painful, there’s nothing coming out of it, and I just noticed it.

So obviously there’s a fold between the side of the vagina and the thigh, and it’s less than 1cm close to it. It’s about 1 1/2 inches away from the top (if you think of the entire down stairs area as a uppercase V, then at the top of the V, where there is a rough line of where the pubic hair starts)

I am fairly hairy down there and there are hairs coming out of it so maybe if I pluck those, it’ll get rid of it and maybe it is just an ingrown but idk.

Any help would be appreciated, seriously.