Day 5 of high fertility (flashing smiley)

Iris • 🇬🇧 Baby Girl born 16 Jan 2020 💗👶🏻 Baby Girl #2 born 1 April 2021 💗 Baby #3 due September 2023 💙💗

Morning ladies, last year I used the Clearblue advance OPK to track my cycles in which I ended up falling pregnant with my daughter on the first cycle. All very straight forward, saw one day of low fertility, 2 high fertility days before getting my two peak days.

Anyways, I thought I’d start tracking my cycles now as we would like to start trying to baby #2 however I’m now on CD 18 and seeing day 5 of high fertility but no peak.

Do you think I still have a chance of seeing my peak? Or could I not be ovulating this month? I did have what I think were ovulation pains yesterday but test was still only showing high!

Has anyone got pregnant without seeing their peak? Xx