Cramping at 27 weeks


So I’m almost 28 weeks and today I’ve been feeling a little off little crampy and for the last two hours I’ve been having cramps like Cramps an nothing else it’s almost constant so I didn’t think about timing them because it just feels like it’s always happening it doesn’t feel like round ligament pain‘s had that before doesn’t really feel like Braxton Hicks either because usually I just can’t breathe when I get the Braxton Hicks contraction bc my stomach just gets hard .but I just feel crampy this is baby number six for me and I’ve never had this I’ve also never went into labor naturally I’ve always been induced so I don’t know what it is and if I should worry or not .I’m drinking more water to see if maybe it was because I’m dehydrated I don’t want to overreact n I thought it was gas pains but no gas