My Story


I don’t know how many people are still active in this group but I just need to tell my story to someone. Someone who doesn’t know me or my boyfriend. I went to the ER on April 22nd with severe abdominal pain and shoulder pain. I really thought I was constipated and I had a gas bubble. The pain has been getting gradually worse for a couple days but I hadn’t had a BM in 15 days. I had an IUD so when the doctor asked if I could be pregnant I told him no. They came back after the X-ray and told me that my blood work came back and I was pregnant but they suspected an ectopic pregnancy. Cue the ultrasound and they found a mass behind my uterus that was my ruptured tube and internal bleeding. I had surgery that night. It was unexpected. I didn’t even know I was pregnant. My boyfriend and I were actually planning on starting to try in the fall. But, I’m scared of trying. What if it happens again? I’m in a weird state of mind on wondering if I truly have a right to be upset over a pregnancy loss when I didn’t even know i was pregnant?

Girls, give me something. Please.