30 week growth scan #covid style! Thank you @mini5ug4r for my stylish mask for our

Katie • 🧬Unexplained Infertility 💉IVF Jan‘19 👶🏻Baby on Board Oct’19 ❤️Blogging 🌸Gardening 🌎World Travel ✉️Katie@adventuristaaz.com 📍Based in Gilbert,AZ
30 week growth scan #covid style! Thank you @mini5ug4r for my stylish mask for our adventures out of the house! Little girl is measuring around 3lbs, 13oz and is predicted to be around 7lbs 12oz at birth. Heartbeat was strong at 158, but the little booger had her head low in my pelvis with her hands and feet in front of her face and we couldn’t view her face or profile. We’ve only seen a profile pic once at 23 weeks, and a 4D image at 20 weeks, so how she looks is a bit of a mystery and we probably won’t find out until we see her little face at birth! The good news, is she is NOT breached! With the #pandemic - my next appointment won’t be until 36 weeks when we do the TDaP shot, Group B Strep swab and cervical check. Hopefully we have an uneventful next 6 weeks and I can finally catch some video of her kicking fits for you all, she gets shy and stops every time I get my phone on video mode! 🤞🏻Until then I’ll show you my nesting projects, and some of the cool stuff we’ve been learning about cord blood banking! . . . . #ivfmama #ivfbaby #ivfbabyonboard #ivfsuccess #pregnancyafterinfertility #expectingmom #expecting #30weekspregnant #scienceiscool #sciencerules