
Today I lost my virginity. It felt amazing. However, I couldn’t bring myself to take off my shirt.. he was asking me, promising me he would love it, but I couldn’t. And he said that’s okay because he wanted me to feel comfortable. But I am just sad I don’t feel confident in myself. I trust he likes me but it’s me who doesn’t like me. Anyone else in the same boat? Tips?

I’m really disappointed I took a moment that was supposed to be about us and made it about me and my insecurities. I’m really not worried about what he thinks because he’s told me countless times he loves my body. It’s me. I ruin it. I can’t help but imagine what I look like and it turns me off.

I don’t want this to be a sad memory of me hating my body. I genuinely loved it and do not regret having sex. I just want to be able to do it again and love my body In the process